Friday, March 25, 2011


Approximately one year ago, President Obama signed into law the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (aka ObamaCare.) As much as I want every American to have insurance and, in effect, have access to affordable health care, ObamaCare brings to mind the classic quote: "great in theory, bad in practice." I do not think the answer to our current health care system--which is flawed!--is completely gutting the existing structure and replacing it with an equally fallible one. I believe the solution involves addressing the shortcomings of the system in place. I also believe that, throughout the deliberation and creation of said solutions, lawmakers should remain conscientious of the federal deficit and prevent establishing programs that threaten to bankrupt the country once and for all.

By 2014, it is estimated that ObamaCare will result in an additional 16 million people on Medicaid. The (already indebted) federal government plans to "foot the bill" for this surge for three years, however, the states will start picking up their portion of the cost after that. To illustrate the effect this will have on states, here are two examples: First, Virginia currently allocates 21% of its entire budget to Medicaid; ObamaCare will cause that figure to increase to 28% within a few years. Likewise, ObamaCare will push Texas into spending approximately 46% of its budget on Medicaid; call me crazy, but designating almost half of a state's budget to just one program is ludicrous. Increases like these will occur across the nation and they translate into one of two things (or both:) States will have to cut spending on other programs, such as education, and/or they will have to raise taxes.

The Independent Women's Voice held an "IWV ObamaCare Video Contest" which asked for a 1-minute video portraying why ObamaCare is bad for the country. So, I made a video. After getting a decent number of votes, the IWV (and I) realized I had violated one of the fine print rules by putting a licensed song in it, so they took it down. Even though it was removed from the contest, I still want to share it with others because I strongly believe in its message. So, here it is!

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